In the heart of South Africa’s vast savannas, where wildlife pulsates to the rhythm of nature, my story begins. It’s a story that celebrates deep balance and inner courage, not so much about seeking adventure but discovering truths hidden deep in nature and myself. As a man with a soul as calm as an African twilight, whose everyday life is far from African wildness, I decide to go on a journey that will change my view of the world. My companions are African guides, and what I am looking for goes beyond ordinary experiences.


While observing the life of the savannah, I unexpectedly come across a warthog which, running away from a lion, gracefully flies over it. It seems as if the warthog is flying, its light figure contrasting with the majestic calm of the lion. This extraordinary dance of nature, in which the warthog and the lion play their roles without disturbing the balance, shows me how life in the wild is regulated by invisible rules of mutual respect and space.


As I watched this scene, I began to understand that every creature, no matter its size or strength, brings something unique to this world that deserves to be recognized and protected. This harmonious coexistence between the warthog and the lion becomes a metaphor for my spiritual journey in which I learn that true strength lies in the ability to coexist, not in the desire to dominate.


I carry this lesson to my heart and let it shape my approach to life and work. The motif of a warthog flying over a lion becomes, a symbol of courage to follow my own path. This understanding influences every aspect of my life, including the way I create and distil Czysta Odwaga Gin, making it a reflection of these deep, universal truths of nature.


Czysta Odwaga Gin is not only a mixture of the wildness of Africa with the Polish tradition of distillation, but also the fruit of my journey towards harmony and courage. We used the noblest Polish botanicals to create it, which makes it a unique combination of cultures and flavours. Each drop of Czysta Odwaga Gin shows a unique path to harmony, which begins with the courage to face your fears and understand yourself.


Czysta Odwaga nie ogranicza się tylko do wódki. Portfolio marki rozszerza się o inne rodzaje alkoholi, takie jak gin, whisky czy rumy. Każdy z tych alkoholi jest tworzony z największą dbałością
o detale, od wyboru surowców, przez proces destylacji, aż po finalny produkt, który trafia do konsumentów.

W cieniu wiekowych baobabów, tam gdzie ziemie Zimbabwe i Republiki Południowej Afryki są rozdzielane przez meandry rzeki Limpopo, rozpoczyna się moja opowieść, która jest hołdem dla najszlachetniejszej z ludzkich cech – odwagi.


W sercu rozległych sawann Republiki Południowej Afryki, gdzie dzikie życie pulsuje w rytmie natury, rozpoczyna się moja opowieść.
To historia celebrująca głęboką równowagę i wewnętrzną odwagę,
nie tyle o poszukiwaniu przygód, co o odkrywaniu głębokich prawd ukrytych w naturze i we mnie samym.